Thumb Impression on Legal Documents

Each expert does their best to produce an accurate report, but if there is a problem with the sample (document/fingerprint), it is our moral and ethical responsibility to communicate and explain it to the parties involved. If there is no visible pattern in the so-called thumbprint due to excess ink or other reasons, they cannot be verified, regardless of the quality of the expert. Furthermore, it was clear from the handwritten report that the thumbprint on all the documents submitted to the expert`s report came from the same person, namely Rajendra Singh. Since item B was marked before the court without objection by the applicant, the authenticity of the item B cannot be questioned before the Court of Appeal. Well, I`ve seen men sign their legal documents with their right thumb, and if you`re wondering what thumbprint is for women, then I`ll say that women usually use their left thumb to sign a legal document. Many people have confusion about why officials ask for the left thumbprint (LTI) in men and the right thumbprint (RTI) in women for approval. Legally, there is no decree regarding the use of an LTI or ITR by a person. However, we generally find that the use of LTI is used to represent a man`s thumb mark and the use of RTI to represent a woman`s thumb mark. In fact, they are not rules. They are followed only as convention and custom.

An established custom becomes part of the system and receives recognition from procedural law. Hire experienced NoBroker lawyers to have ownership documents reviewed now Bench said either party`s claim in the present case will depend on the key question of whether Rajendra Singh actually revoked the will in favour of Sarjung Singh and his physical and mental capacity to execute the annulment act, and also whether Rajendra Singh`s thumbprint on the registered document is authentic or not. (Many people have confusion about why officials ask for the left thumbprint (LTI) for men and the right thumbprint (RTI) for women while giving consent to the case written on paper. This article explains the law and practice on this topic.) In AIR 1950 – Supreme Court, 265, the Supreme Court held that there must be physical contact between the person who is to sign and the signature or sign on the document. Therefore, in the case of the person who has lost both hands, the signature can be made by means of a mark. This sign can be defined by the person in any way. This could be the toe print, as suggested. It may be a sign which any person may affix to the name of the person to be signed, this sign being affixed by an act having had physical contact with the person required to sign. It is important to note that the validity of the will in favour of the applicant Sarjug Singh was never seriously questioned, but the opponents claimed that the will in question had been made available by a deed registered on 02.02.1963 (Exbt. C) by the deceased himself. However, the complainant argued that the testator was in very poor health, paralysed and unable to report to the civil registry office on 02.02.1963 to sign the registered resolutive act (item “C”). The plaintiff also challenged the authenticity of the testator`s thumbprint on the deed of annulment of the will.

Whenever a thumb or toe print of the illiterate/blind/sick/elderly/disabled account holder is obtained, it must be identified by two witnesses known to the bank, one of whom must be a competent official and the other must be known to the bank. It is also important to have a certificate of the thumbprint identifier in the document that the content has been read and explained to the person giving the thumbprint in their language. This is to avoid any challenge to the knowledge of the content of the documents. Wherever the drawer is hospitalized and unable to sign, he can have his mark or fingerprint certified by the doctor with a witness, and he must also certify that the drawer was fully conscious at the time the check was marked. In a developing country like India, where litigation has been going on for many decades, the first and foremost concern of any forensic expert is the condition of the document. After many years of exposure to heat/humidity, or in many cases both, the document goes through many difficulties. In addition, this document has been dealt with roughly and quite frequently for many years.